
This course teaches students the fundamentals of C programming, helping solve a variety of problems. Enrolling in this course improves your speed and optimization of code through practice. 

Perfect for students seeking an entry-level coding job!

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction of C

    2. What is C ? Creator of C programming

    3. Structure of a C Program

    4. Print a Hello Name Program

    5. Compiler Interpreter Translator Assembler

    1. Preprocessor Section

    2. #include Detailed

    3. #define in Details

    4. Comments in c

    5. Tokens in C

    6. Keywords

    7. Quiz - 1

    1. Identifiers

    2. Datatypes in C

    3. Variables and Constants

    4. Storage CLasses in C

    5. Operators in C

    6. Quiz - 2

    1. Conditional Statements , if Family and its types

    2. switch Break, continue goto

    3. Iteration/ Looping statements

    4. Arrays in C part 1

    5. Arrays part 2

    6. Array Part 3

    1. Functions Part1

    2. Function p2 - Call by Value and Ref

    3. Structure part 1

    4. Structure Part 2

    5. Pointers part 1

    6. Pointers part 2

    7. Unions in C

    8. File Handling

    9. Quiz - 3

    10. Feedback - Compulsory

About this course

  • 34 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

Learn from the Best

Gaurav Roy

His range of fields of expertise (from writing to teaching to tech) is commendable, but what sets Mr. Gaurav Roy apart from the rest is his experience of teaching students (More than 7 lakh students over a span of 9 years). A serial winner right from his college days, that winning mentality is also what gets imparted to his students apart from the curriculum he teaches ever so well.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand the fundamentals of the C programming language.
  • Create your first C application 
  • Understand variables and different data types
  • Understand the core language that most modern languages are based on.
  • Make yourself more marketable for entry-level programming positions
  • Learn one of the most popular, widely used languages in the world.
  • Learn how to write high-quality code.
  • Apply for real-time programming positions

What this Course Includes

  • 30 Lectures
  • Self-paced on-demand video
  • 4 Quizzes
  • 1 Real-life Project with Skillarena
  • Access on Mobile, Laptop, and TV
  • Lifetime access to videos anytime, anywhere
  • Course completion certificate
  • Guaranteed Internship.


System Pre-requisites:-

  • 8GB RAM Recommended
  • Windows 10 is recommended.
  • Browsers - Edge, Chrome.
  • At least 500 GB of Hard Disk would be the minimum requirement as the data sets you practice tend to be heavy.
  • Willingness to Learn and Explore